In the summer months, when it is scortching hot you will drain lots of liquid and mineral salts. To avoid walking under the sun for a long period of time, follow the next pattern: Stop walking when you cannot see your shadow any longer. This means that The Sun will be on its highest point. Each person has a different walking pace and when you are carrying a lot of weight you are altering even more that pace and wasting more energy. If the weather forecast says it will be hot, start to walk at the crack of dawn. If the supply points are far from one another, carry with you an extra bottle of water or sports drink just in case. You can easily do every stage in aroud 8 hours; that is, you can get to the next destination before it is really hot. Some stages, specially in Asturias, will be longer due to the terrain (with lots of ups and downs). This will make you go slowlier. The stages in Galicia are longers but less bumpy so your pace will be generally better. Check the supply points the previous days (specially fountains with drinking water). If you feel dizzy because you are suffering a heat stroke, lie down in the shade. Place your backpack under your feet. If no one passes by, call the emergency number 112; both the call and the help they provide are free in Spain. Sip some water from time to time until they get there. HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF FROM THE HEAT 1.Internally: Drinking wáter, sport drinks, having some savory food, drinking fruit juice or eating fruit. Dont wait until you are thirsty. While you are walking, stop from time to time and sip some wáter from the water bottle every twenty or thirty minutes. Add half of a dessert spoon of bicarbonate. This will help you not to drain mineral salts. What’s more, you will also reduce the risk of having low blood pressure. Stop to have a light meal and have juice and some fruit. If you happen to walk while the Sun is on its highest point, have the Savory food every 45 minutes (olives, crackers, anchovies, etc), wáter from the water bottle, sports drinks or condensed milk. You will also reduce the risk of having low blood pressure, water, sugar and mineral loss. After finishing the stage, drink plenty of water and sport drinks. 2. Externally: Use a long sleeved t-shirt. Moist the sleeves with water. Try to avoid applying sun cream on your arms. Soak both the hat and the foulard with water and get rid of the excess of water. Place the latter around your neck and, if there is some left, put it inside your t-shirt covering the shoulders. Do not worry if you end up soaking wet. Everytime you find a fountain, wet the garments again. If you find a house, ask the owners to we the garments for you. This will help your body temperatura. Apply sun cream on your arms if you are wearing a short-sleeved t-shirt and on the rest your body and face (face, nose, ears, behind the ears and neck). Repeat this pattern every four hours.